Category Archives: Items of Interest

Sad Clown – Happy Thoughts


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to share a regular conversation starter around the more entertaining observations. What’cha think?

We interpret things as we see them framed—-Framed by our own minds.    
The sad clown, painted by a family friend,
 made its’ way to our wall many years ago. While a sad clown is often associated with anger or unhappiness, our clown painting makes us smile every time we look at it……..reminding us not to take everything so literally. Our sad clown makes us smile because:sad clown

  • The earth tone paint colors further complimented by the bronze frame color provides warmth and approach-ability.
  • In our heads we look at the painting and think of our dear friend who painted the picture.
  • Looking at the oxymoron presented by a sad clown, we say to ourselves: “What-up clown : where’s the smile?”

We interpret things as we see them framed—-framed by our own minds.

NOT an Age Thing

Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.
Let me know what you think.

young and old

NOT an age thing   More #millennials report experiencing age discrimination than Gen X and Boomers combined, per recent AARP Research. This represents huge opportunities for cross generational work flows.

Did you collaborate with someone today who has 10 or more years of age than you do? Let’s create some conversation – What was it like?

A Smart Shopper Asks Questions with a Smile

A Smart Shopper Ask Questions with a Smile

Regardless of the subject, the smart customer asks questions, and the smart customer service representative considers the best way to handle the inquiry themselves or to refer the request to a supervisor.

Let me share a great example of this:I have been looking to lower the annual premium on an insurance policy for many years. Every year, I get my bill. I cringe. I call. No change. Yes, the psychology of fear around your insurance coverage. This year, I call and am asked a few additional questions. Turns out there is a product that I qualify for that will give me more coverage for less money. REALLY!”How long has this product been offered” I ask. “Uhhhh. A while” says the representative sensing where this conversation is heading.

With a big smile that can be felt across the telephone, I ask: Can you see if a supervisor can  review my  files. It would seem that I have been eligible for a product that was never offered to me, even though I have been a loyal customer for many, many years and call you annually about options to reduce my premium.
honeybee 2
Soooooo, what do you think happened next?
A Smart Shopper Ask Questions with a Smile -:)

Info is not Knowledge


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

Let me know what you think. 

Listening to a panel discussion on Healthcare Consumerism, an audience member pointed out an age-old phrase that rang ever so true: Information is NOT Knowledge.

Information is only knowledge when it can be used in a productive, beneficial manner. Too much of the healthcare information that we are exposed to daily is written in lingo that few understand or that necessitates a glossary of words to explain.

We do this in almost every industry. Healthcare. Insurance. Retirement Plans. Nutritional Content.knowledge

What are you doing to ensure that the information that you acquire is turned into knowledge that can be used advantageously for yourself and those you care about?

Do you share information or knowledge with others?

Join the conversation……

Courage can include Fear

Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.
Let me know what you think.

Nelson Mandela  is  credited with saying that ” Courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. Real confidence is acknowledging fear and moving forward anyway.”

It has been years since I went to a sketch class and so it was great fun and the awakening of many senses when I recently went to a Tuesday Sketch Night in NYC. I watched the rubenesque model take many poses with grace and sometimes sheer abandonment. And yes, she was nude. Talk about real confidence!!


The experience was a strong reminder that we must each get beyond the mind-chatter. To march to our own definitions of success…not the societal definitions of perfection.

Go out and do something courageous today!

Not Yes. Not No.

Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.
Let me know what you think.

Life is not always a yes or no decision. And, sometimes it is not even one of three-four specific choices. A multiple choice question forces your answer into a pre-determined category. Are you more comfortable with structured or unstructured types of answers?

What does that say about your thinking style? feedback

Water Bottles on Demand

water bottles

Give a man a fish and he eats a meal; Give a man a fishing rod and he feeds himself forever. Give a man a bottle of water and he can drink throughout the day. Maybe…..however it is worth taking note of the modern version of a hotel water fountain. It certainly makes it easier for us to stay hydrated in an environmentally-friendly format throughout the day.

Here’s an interesting water bottle factoid: “According to the Container Recycling Institute, 86% of plastic water bottles used in the US become garbage that ends up in landfills throughout the country. Considering that approximately 60 million plastic water bottles are used every day in the US, we can assume that nearly 18,834,000,000 end up in the landfill each year. Each bottle can take up to 700 years to decompose.” (Source)

Are you using a singular water bottle throughout the day — one that you carry with you and refill as required?

Perspective On It’s Side


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

Let me know what you think.

Perspective, defined as an attitude, a way of regarding something or a point of view.

For years, both business and psychology articles highlight the importance of looking at life through the eyes of another….stopping to consider the perspective of the customers, patients, clients, staff or any other constituents. And, as we know, doing this successfully leads to good personal relationships and good business outcomes.

Walking through an upscale department store, I took notice of a floral arrangement that put flowers on their side in very ordinary glass dishes. Such a simple example of displaying something familiar in a non-familiar manner to make people stop and take notice.

The presentation, at a main store entryway may well have been designed to create a subconscious influence of how people will shop.

flower side
When was the last time you turned something around, upside down, or inside out to allow for an alternative perspective? Try it today.

Let Me See What You Got

Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.
Let me know what you think.

The power of suggestion is all around us.
In just a few city blocks, I took note of how many storefronts ensure that their services are out-front and easily visible for all to see. Playing with animals, casual dining or sit-down tablecloth dining – the experience is as much about the product as it is the ability to share it with others.doggie care

magnolia bakery

starbucksWhen was the last time you grabbed a cup of coffee or a snack because you walked by the storefront window, saw it and thought “Yeah, I would like one of those!”


The power of suggestion is all around us. What will you spontaneously pick up later today?

He can mix a great drink OR position you correctly on the X-ray machine


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

Let me know what you think.

colorful puzzleThe age-old question of “What do I want to be when I grow up” is never easy to define….and I am always fascinated by the stories of those who truly changed the direction of their work, using skills in a completely different application.

I was recently making small talk with an X-ray technician. He told me about decades spent as a bartender and restaurant manager. Earlier days included time in the military.

It was humorous ….. and then the career links became oh so obvious: Helping others. Customer Service. Measuring items that come together within a followed formula. People-facing. Patience. Ability to handle emotionally charged environments.

When was the last time you used one of your skills in a completely unrelated situation?

puzzle coming togehter