Monthly Archives: September 2016

Make like a honey-bee!

Sharon Lewis


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

Let me know what you think.

honeybee 1Waiting on a store check-out line, I listened to the telephone conversation of the person standing behind me. The dialogue was around customer service. “ I want my customers to receive the best possible customer service from my staff. At the same time”, he continued, “I will not allow my own staff to be bullied or intimidated.”

It seems that a staff member was upset because the customer’s approach was something like: “This is what you will do to correct the situation now” as opposed to “I would like to see you do the following to make good on the situation. What…

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Perspective On It’s Side


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

Let me know what you think.

Perspective, defined as an attitude, a way of regarding something or a point of view.

For years, both business and psychology articles highlight the importance of looking at life through the eyes of another….stopping to consider the perspective of the customers, patients, clients, staff or any other constituents. And, as we know, doing this successfully leads to good personal relationships and good business outcomes.

Walking through an upscale department store, I took notice of a floral arrangement that put flowers on their side in very ordinary glass dishes. Such a simple example of displaying something familiar in a non-familiar manner to make people stop and take notice.

The presentation, at a main store entryway may well have been designed to create a subconscious influence of how people will shop.

flower side
When was the last time you turned something around, upside down, or inside out to allow for an alternative perspective? Try it today.

Puffery or Misleading #agreesharon


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

 Let me know what you think.

rose colored glassesPuffery – OK……Misleading statements – NOT OK

This proclamation came up in a recent business meeting. Unfortunately there was not enough time to discuss the specifics around the criteria for these two categories of information. Wikipedia defines puffery as a promotional statement that is subjective vs. objective in nature and as such….no “reasonable person” would take literally.

Hmmmm. Take a look at any recent newspaper, news feed, TV or radio commentary – How ya’doing differentiating fact from fiction these days? Puffery? Misleading statements?

As a reasonable person, where are you getting your information these days?share-twet-post

Make like a honey-bee!


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

Let me know what you think.

honeybee 1Waiting on a store check-out line, I listened to the telephone conversation of the person standing behind me. The dialogue was around customer service. “ I want my customers to receive the best possible customer service from my staff. At the same time”, he continued, “I will not allow my own staff to be bullied or intimidated.”

It seems that a staff member was upset because the customer’s approach was something like: “This is what you will do to correct the situation now” as opposed to “I would like to see you do the following to make good on the situation. What would be the next steps for this to take place?”

In your own dealings: Do you ask them OR tell them what you want?  As my father-in-law used to say: You get more with honey than vinegar! Now, go make like a honey bee.



BAM, they Broke #agreesharon


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

       Let me know what you think.

broken coffee mug image

The setting is an off-price department store where the checkout area is lined with items for the impulse shopper. In front of me is a lovely young woman who nonchalantly turns the wrong way….BAM, they broke……three oversized ceramic mugs fall to the ground and shatter.

What would you do if you caused this to happen?


Forgetful Brain Freeze

Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.
Let me know what you think.

Millennials call it forgetfulness or a memory lapse; Boomers call it a senior moment or a brain freeze. Source: AARP Research When boomers use these terms, are they subconsciously reinforcing out of date perceptions?

If you are a boomer reading this….use the word forgetful, the next time you just can’t put your finger on what it is you want to say!


A Cargo Perspective


Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.

Let me know what you think.

People have different perspectives on how to keep track of  their precious cargo. Imagine the following two scenarios which took place on a major midtown Manhattan avenue.

  • First, I see a young fashionably-dressed woman talking on her cell phone while a toddler waddles behind her. She is walking somewhat sideways so as to keep an eye on the child, however there is a distance between the two of them that measures somewhere between one-third and one-half city block.ducks walking
  • A few minutes later, I see a young man walking down the street. He looks like a sweaty tightrope walker. He is balancing some 6 (very large) trays of eggs in his arms.

Doesn’t it seem that the transportation method should have been switched up in these scenarios?

In the described situation, would you have said something to the young woman? Would you have offered to help the young man?

OR, would you have power-walked past both of them?

Let Me See What You Got

Life is filled with so many interesting moments that I decided to create a weekly conversation starter around one of the more entertaining observations made during the previous week. Nothing too complicated — fun to see how people answer the question.
Let me know what you think.

The power of suggestion is all around us.
In just a few city blocks, I took note of how many storefronts ensure that their services are out-front and easily visible for all to see. Playing with animals, casual dining or sit-down tablecloth dining – the experience is as much about the product as it is the ability to share it with others.doggie care

magnolia bakery

starbucksWhen was the last time you grabbed a cup of coffee or a snack because you walked by the storefront window, saw it and thought “Yeah, I would like one of those!”


The power of suggestion is all around us. What will you spontaneously pick up later today?